Tuesday, January 12, 2010

26 weeks ALREADY?!

Here is a photo from last week at 25 weeks prego...that belly keeps on coming!

This week marks the 26 week mark! Seriously, where is the time going? We are going to have a little bundle of joy here before we even know it! We still have lots to get ready and if I think too much about EVERYTHING at once it gets overwhelming and stressful so I have chosen to take it one day at a time and get a LITTLE something done each week. Today we had our monthly appointment with the doctor and got to here baby's heartbeat again. It was holding steady between 145 and 150 beats per minute. Everything is still looking good and progressing as expected which is always a relief to hear :)


Heidi said...

Yay! So stoked for you. I can't believe you're already that far along either. Time flies!

Scottkids said...

That belly is so tiny, but you look great!!!!

Angela said...

Ok- working out is a must apparently when you're pregnant cuz you still look FABULOUS! Hell, I look that big almost just standing around. :P I'm excited to see you in person tomorrow. Yay! Happy Anniversary!

V.I.C.K.I. said...

Good for you- you definitely will not be on Brian's "fat" list.