Tonight at the gym I was in the locker room getting my bag and jacket after a great workout. A relatively- fit looking lady (probably mid-30s) came up to me and asked how far along pregnant I was. I told her 27 weeks and her jaw dropped.
"You're kidding right?" she said.
"Uh no...." I replied. (thinking to myself does she really think I would lie about this?)
She justified her comment by replying,
"I NEVER looked that great at 6 months pregnant...Heck, I didn't look that good at 3 or 4 months pregnant either!!"
I am pretty sure I was a million shades of red at that point as she had gotten the attention of about four other women who all were STARING at me now. After thanking the women I hurried out of the locker room. So far, I haven't had any experiences with random strangers and their comments on my pregnancy. It's flattering and all...I just hope that they don't start touching my belly now too!