Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Greetings from Iowa!

Up at 5:45 the Salt Lake Airport...and across the country to Waterloo, Iowa...this is trip #3 for me in the last 5 months! One of my best friends of over 20 years is getting married on Saturday and so of course I would not miss it for anything! Coming home is always nice, especially staying with my parents...since seeing them is not a weekly occurance...or it isn't usually, but I guess lately I have seen them once a month! ;) Anyway, it's always nice to be home and just relax a few days.

Trav couldn't come with me this trip due to work and school. On our way to the airport this morning he assured me that he will have plenty to do while I am gone with his classes, work, and a nice long hike on Saturday...which I know he is looking most forward to since the weather is going to be gorgeous and especially since it has been a few weeks since his last trip! Even though I know that time will fly and we will both be busy, when he dropped me off this morning at the airport I got sad, almost to the tearing up point as I walked toward the airport without him. I know that I will see him in just a few days... but I would so much rather travel with him then without him. I really do miss him when we aren't together...actually, every night when I know it is getting close to the time that he is going to be home (or if it's my late night and I am the one driving home) I get excited butterflies in my belly knowing I get to see him soon! I sure to love that man! He's so much more than I ever could have asked for in a husband and for that I am grateful! :)


Angela said...

You and him are just so cute. I can't believe you didn't cry. I sure would have. Well once you're done missing Travis you can start missing me. I have to leave Utah for 30 days for work starting Monday- do you know how long it has been since we've had a good long hang out? We'll talk when you have time next week. In the meantime, take a tractor ride for me :)

Jeannie said...

So sweet. I still almost tear up when I say goodbye. I also tear up when he comes home.

It is good sometimes to have the missing moments. It makes us appreciate and recogonize what we have.

You two are so cute together.

Have fun on your trip and enjoy being home.