Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Knight in Shining Armor...

Here he is and some other guy up on a pedestal sporting a metal suit...

10 reasons why my husband is the best husband in the world:
1. He loves me unconditionally, through all my bad days and crazy hormonal moments
2. He INITIATES cleaning 80% of the time or more. I am a good housekeeper, but he has to jump start me most of the time
3. He helps me clean our 3 bathrooms, even when he has plenty of homework to do of his own...because he knows how much I LOATHE that chore
4. He compliments me daily and tells me he loves me multiple times a day
5. He makes an effort each day to make me smile and laugh
6. He makes me feel beautiful
7. He tells me that I am an amazing wife and that I will be an amazing mom (I hope he is right!)
8. He is a gentleman..pulls out my chair, opens doors, etc
9. He is kind to others (he is never afraid to help someone in public that looks like they need it)
10. He usually has my lunch ready and waiting when I come home for lunch hour each day

Please take note that this is only a small list of reasons why Travis is the best ever! I would keep going, but I may make him blush. I wish that all women in the world could be as lucky as me, and I am not sure what I did to deserve him. Thanks for all you do babe! I love you mucho grande!


Anonymous said...

ohhh, What a good guy! You're pretty amazing your self! Love ya tons, Mom A

Unknown said...

Ahh so sweet. I am so glad he is good to you. You deserve it. So glad he also found someone amazing.

My fingers are crossed for my kids.

Unknown said...

It was Jeannie not Neil that posted. Weird why is his name showing up?

Scottkids said...

That is so sweet! I am lucky enough to have an amazing husband too, although only occasionally initiates cleaning! Ha Ha I guess he isn't very dirty though so that is good!

What a good hubby you have! He is lucky to have you too!

Heidi said...

What a sweet post! We think you both are pretty special and are so lucky we can call you family.

Ben must get his cleaning initiations from his older brother, along with all those other weird-isms those two share

Anonymous said...

We think your husband is an awesome guy too!! And we are glad that he isn't just a statue decked out in a metal suit! ;) He will be a wonderful daddy as well as being a super duper husband!

xo Mom & Dad :)

Angela said...

Sarah- did you have some sort of emotional breakdown that Travis coached you through that prompted this? :)