Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We had our traditional Atwood Halloween party last weekend, and as usual we all got decked out in costumes! We had a delicious dinner of soup, bread sticks, pasta salad, homemade root beer, and pistachio pudding with oreos on top for dessert. After dinner we carved pumpkins and played cards. As always it was a great time had by all!

Trav and I as pirates..ARRGH!

Bryan and Shallon as Shrek and Fiona (Bryan was relieved that the green paint washed off!)

Heidi, Keith, and Derek as Jasmine, Aladdin, and Abu (Heidi MADE the costumes=Impressive!)

Ben, Heidi, and Kyla as the Three Blind Mice...too cute!

Parker as a Mad Scientist...CREEPY!

Kyla and Derek with their favorite auntie :)

Hard at work carving pumpkins

Travis' final product...LOVE the teeth and hair!

Sarah's final product. Scraping the pumpkin thin enough to make sure the candle would glow through ACTUALLY gave me a small bruise on my wrist!

Halloween morning Travis and I made and frosted 4.5 dozen sugar cookies! We took some plates of cookies to a few neighbors, ate some ourselves, and intended on taking the rest to a Halloween party later that night. We ended up deciding not to go to the Halloween party since it was clear in Salt Lake and didn't feel like driving. Instead we decided to stay home to hand out candy to trick or treaters....that NEVER SHOWED UP! That's right, we didn't have one person ring our doorbell! Which meant we had lots of candy and lots of sugar cookies left over! It's a good thing that a girl I worked with brought her kids by later on. We loaded them up with over half the candy that we bought and sent them home with 2 plates of cookies!

Thanks to Melissa for the yummy sugar cookie/frosting recipes that she posted on her blog last week! They turned out great!


Anonymous said...

What an awesome Atwood tradition! You all look great! Love you pumpkins. Travis I am impressed with the teeth on yours!! You look like a natural holding the babies Auntie Sarah!! :)

xo Mom H.

Jeannie said...

Your costumes are always so impressive and creative.
What a fun tradition!!!

V.I.C.K.I. said...

Ah, that is pretty fun. Love the costumes.

Scottkids said...

I'm so glad you liked it! Don't they make the BEST sugar cookies!

Your costumes are great!!!

Angela said...

Pretty slutty :) j/k. I just will never understand why the costumes come off- I don't get it! All that work and money for one photo op. hmmm...