Monday, May 10, 2010

This one's for you Dad

I just wanted everyone to know that it is a VERY special man's birthday today. My dad is the greatest dad there is, and I just want him (and everyone else) to know how much I love him!

To this very day, and for as long as I can remember, I have considered myself a "daddy's girl." Growing up I loved spending time with this wonderful man. Some of my favorite memories include:
  • Helping him work on cars in the garage. I thought it was so cool when he would let me hand him the spark plugs or roll around on the creeper
  • When he taught me how to slow pitch a softball (not to brag, but I was one of the best in my league back in the day!) :)
  • Helping him wash his truck on a number of occasions (even though he would get mad at me for doing a mediocre job sometimes...he always made it better by buying me ice cream afterwards)
  • When he taught me how to shoot a basketball "the right way and not like a girl" which he did by holding one of my hands behind my back (even though I was in tears I really appreciate that skill now!)
  • How he would never let my brother or I go to bed hungry. If we got our bedtime snack taken away as punishment by my mom, he would sneak a snack into our room after we were in bed
  • The countless "daddy/daughter" dates that we went on. I LOVED having his attention all to myself
  • How no matter how bad of a day I was having he could (and still can) make me laugh

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. I am so lucky to have such a positive example of a man in my life. Not only is he good to me, he also is a wonderful father-in-law to Travis and awesome Grandpa to Jackson. Dad...thanks SO much for all that you do for each one of us. It is appreciated more than you know and we all hope that your day was a fabulous as you are! ;)

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