Friday, April 23, 2010

2 Weeks!

Our little man had his two week check-up today and our suspicions were confirmed...he has grown!! As of today, Jackson is...
6 lbs 15.5 oz (10th percentile)
19.5 inches (15th percentile)
13.75 inch head circumference (10th percentile) I suppose that comparatively he is still a little peanut. :)

It's hard to believe that 2 weeks has gone by already since Jackson arrived. He continues to be SUCH a good baby. He eats every 3-4 hours (in 30 minutes or less), is awake for 30-45 minutes (during the day, not at night), then falls asleep until the cycle starts all over again. It is so fun when he is awake watching him look all around. He is so alert and loves to listen to the sound of our voices. When he gets fussy (which isn't often at all) he settles right down when I sing to him (maybe I should try out for American Idol?!) or when Travis talks to him and lets him grip onto his finger. He is discovering how fun it is to wiggle his arms and legs all over the place now that he is not cooped up in my tummy. He loves to be swaddled tight when he sleeps as long as his arms are still free. He also makes lots of cute little (and sometimes big) noises.

It is amazing to me how we all are settling into a routine of sorts without much effort at all (knock on wood) Today the pediatrician told us that as long as he is getting 7 feedings in a 24 hr period we are good to go...which means that we may be saying goodbye to one of the two times being up with him during the night very soon!

In the next few weeks amongst lots of loving and cuddling our baby boy we are looking forward to starting active tummy time for Jackson, more sleep (hopefully) for everyone, warmer weather so we can take daily afternoon walks with the dogs, and Travis finishing up his spring semester at school. We of course will keep you all posted on the latest :)


Brett and Steph Hansen said...

ahem! i know you have more pictures than that:) PS what SLR does travis have?

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Can't believe 2 weeks have flown by already!! Give the little peanut Jackson a hug from his Grandma!! I miss you guys and him so much!! So happy that he has been such a good little guy for you! Maybe he will start sleeping all night for you soon!
Love you bunches and bunches!

Heidi said...

Yay for a cute, healthy growing baby boy!

Anonymous said...

It was so much fun to spend some time with him this weekend! He is so precious! Can't wait to see him again!
Love you guys tons, Mom A