Thursday, February 25, 2010

Already in my 8th Month?!

I know I have said this nearly every time I have posted a new photo of myself, but I SERIOUSLY can not believe that we are starting into the second to last month of this pregnancy!! Time is flying by! Yesterday I was 32 weeks. Today, I had my doctors appointment and everything is still looking great. My blood pressure is good, baby's heart beat is regular and strong and I am measuring at 32 weeks exactly. We have chosen a pediatrician (on recommendation from my OB), continued our decorating projects in the baby's room, and I have two baby showers coming up in the next month that I am SUPER excited for! :)

My doctor told me at my 30 week appointment that these last 10 weeks are typically the hardest part of a women's have to pee more, breathing gets harder, sleepless nights become more regular and your back starts to hurt from the extra weight in front. So far I am so lucky to say that the only symptom I have experienced is the increasing visits to the restroom. I haven't had a terrible time sleeping..just a couple of rough nights while I was still figuring out that it actually takes 3.5 pillows instead of 1 to keep me comfortable! I still have been working out 3-4 times a week (although I have been getting more and more sideways looks from people lately like they may be worried I might send myself into labor.) My appetite has actually leveled off the last couple of weeks. I have an occasional day that I feel more hungry than usual, but I think that my stomach is getting more and more squished so frequent snacking is more comfortable than larger meals. As far as weight gain goes, I have gained "just the right amount" according to my doctor...and those of you that know me well know that I am excited to be able to get back to my normal workout intensity to say goodbye to these extra pounds! I am LOVING all the baby movement that I feel throughout the day and we both are getting more and more excited to meet our little man!

All in all, this pregnancy thing isn't AT ALL bad. I have been so lucky to have such a smooth ride. I am so lucky to have a great husband that picks up the slack on my more lazy days (this weekend for example, I WATCHED him clean the kitchen and mop the floor because I just "didn't feel like helping" and he was TOTALLY okay with that. In fact he told me to just "take it easy and he'd take care of it!) A women's body is an amazing thing and I am so glad that I have had the chance to experience first hand what it's like to bring a new life into this world!


Jeannie said...

What a cute baby bump. 8 months wow. I am excited for your baby shower.

Anonymous said...

You are so adorable!! This blog post made me get all teary eyed. So happy that you have had an easy time, just like I did when I was pregnant with you! Can't wait to be a grandma! And you two will be such awesome parents!!

Love you bunches and bunches!

Scottkids said...

You look so cute! I'm so glad to hear your first time is going so good! That is so exciting! I love being pregnant even with all the back pain I have. This last stretch is so hard for me though! I get sooo anxious!

Mrs Roush said...

You really do not look 8 months pregnant. I have 2 coworkers due here in the next 2 months and you look nothing like them. I would say keep letting the gym people give you crazy looks. If you still feel up to it, go for it! Hopefully you're not running on a treadmill going like 10 mph, though. :)

Anonymous said...

awhhh, you look so cute! I can't wait to see this little guy! You and Travis will make great parents! Have a great day! Love you guys!
Love Mom A

Heidi said...

Yay, yay, yay!!!

I am SUPER excited for your baby shower. It's going to make it seem so much closer!

P.S. I am anxiously awaiting pictures of the nursery.....

Rachel said...

Wow, you've really lost your figure :)
You look really great and your doc is right, the last weeks are the hardest, but the second they put your baby in your arms you will forget it all! Greyson is anxiously awaiting the arrival of buddy!