Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Another GREAT weekend!

This past weekend was Travis' fall break from school. Originally, we were supposed to take a trip with John and Angela either south toMoab, UT or north to Jackson Hole, WY. Unfortunately, neither direction worked out for us, so we decided rather than cancel our highly anticipated vacation that we would have a trip right here in Logan.

John and Angela got here Friday night. We went to dinner then came home and played a couple of rounds of Seinfeld Scene It...the Atwood's kicked butt!

Saturday we slept in, ate a yummy breakfast of whole wheat blueberry pancakes, took the dogs (all 4 of them) for a nice long walk, watched the USC play Notre Dame, then had delicious Mexican food for dinner. After dinner we went to a corn maze that took us nearly 45 minutes to find our way through! It wasn't haunted, but I thought it was creepy enough just as it was!

John and Angela left for home Sunday morning. Since we moved to Logan we don't get to see the Barlow's as much as any of us would like. It was SUCH a great weekend with our friends and even though we didn't go anywhere out of the ordinary we all just had a good time hanging out again!


Angela said...

YES! We made another blog post! We're going to have to make some better efforts to see each other more often. I miss seeing you all of the time :(. Thanks for the invite

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of the 4 of you! It looks like you are in Iowa with the corn in the background! Glad you had a great weekend with John and Angela. I know you miss them alot. xo Mom H.