Wednesday, January 14, 2009

4 years and still going strong!

This picture was taken the day that we got engaged...August 28, 2004. We had been dating for a little over a year and a half. That day was a start to the rest of my life as I know it now. It is so incredible to think that I have known Travis for over 6 years now, and today marks the day that I married the man of my dreams 4 years ago! Ironically, the weather here today is EXACTLY how I remember it being January 14, 2005...clear blue skies, sunny, and mid 40s...we got so lucky not having a blizzard on our wedding day!

When I think back to the day that I met Travis, I knew in my heart that there was something special and different about him. Obviously I fell for his handsomeness and charm quickly...I had only known him a little over a month before I told him that I loved him, even if it was on accident the first time! Now, after all this time I can not imagine my life without him in it. I have met so many people through my job that have been married 50 or 60+ years. They all say that they have forgotten what life was like without their significant other...I can't imagine what it is going to be like 50 years from now because I already don't remember my life without Travis!

There isn't anyone who I would rather spend all my time with...whether we are doing something fun...sitting at home...or grocery shopping. He makes me happier than I could have ever imagined being...even on the days that I don't like him very much (which are very few and far between!) And the best part is I am pretty sure that he loves me just as much...even on the days that he doesn't like me at all! :)



V.I.C.K.I. said...

That is really pretty darn sweet. You are lucky to have each other! And Brian and I are lucky to have you as our significant others as well.

Anonymous said...

Awwww so sweet! This post is the best gift you could have given Travis today! xoxo Mom

Scottkids said...

Cute! and Congrats! Its funny that I was there when you guys first started dating. Well, I officially met you 2 weeks after you had moved here!

I feel the same way about my husband!Its funny that even when you can't stand them, you still want them around, and your love never changes! It is such a great feeling! I'm so happy for you!

Heidi said...

Travis, you are one lucky man to have such a cute wife! Happy 4 years! We love you guys!

Jeannie said...

Ah you guys are so sweet. I remember your wedding. It really was one of my favoites. I loved the white trees and lights and snow flakes. It was magical.

Happy Anniversary!

Aaron said...

look at the flowing locks on that guy!

Travis Atwood said...

Lol...I wish I still had them.