Sunday, December 6, 2009

Half Way Already?!

Here I am at 20 weeks pregnant...

...time is FLYING by! I can't believe that we have made it to the half way point already. This little guy is going to be here before we know it :) I finally am starting to look pregnant instead of like I have eaten too many cheeseburgers! Last Saturday night Travis and I were relaxing watching a movie when I felt him move FOR SURE. It was 3 distinct kicks that felt like someone was flicking me from the inside of my belly. The next night about the same time I felt 2 more of the same sensation. Now I love when about 7 pm rolls around because I know at anytime our little guy is going to wake up and move around for a little while. It is the COOLEST sensation (a little weird), but simply incredible.

As far as how I have been feeling...just GREAT! As if running around exercising with patients all day isn't enough, I have continued to manage to go to the gym 3-4 times a week for an hour or so each time. I feel so much better after I have exercised! So far I have still been sleeping sweet and sound. The last couple of nights it has gotten more comfortable to sleep with a pillow between my knees. I don't really get cravings lately, I just tend to go from not hungry to starving in 10 minutes flat! At our last doctors appointment we were told that everything looks great and our little one is growing right on schedule and measuring to the day.

We are looking forward to Travis finishing up with finals this week so that he can have a break from the school grind and we can get going on the baby's room/guest room. I haven't decided on a theme or exactly how I want to do our little guy's room other than that I have picked out/purchased the crib (more on that in a later's quite the story!)

Each day the fact that we will be welcoming a baby into our lives in a few short months becomes more and more real. We are excited and nervous all at the same time. We hope that we can be good parents and that our baby will be happy and healthy.

This week we plan on getting all registered at Babies R' Us and Target...on that note I would love for everyone to leave a comment or drop me an email ( and let me know the "can't live without" items for a new baby. Thanks! :)

1 comment:

Amber said...


So much fun! You are looking prego, I love it!

As far as things to live with and withoout...

A Diaper Geanie is so good, and is so helpful when they are little and go through diapers like crazy. A bouncer is always great and so is a swing and a carrier too! I would also suggest stocking up on size one diapers, they grow out of the newborn ones so quick and you don't want to be scrambling for bigger diapers:)

Can't wait for the little guy to get here. Good luck with the nursery, that was my favorite part! We will be changing AJ's in a little while to something big boy and hopefully getting a big boy bed :)

Love you guys !