Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bye-Bye Bruins...Hello Aggies!

Today Travis took his last final test EVER at Salt Lake Community College. He is officially on his way to bigger and better things. He has earned his AS degree in General Studies, plus a bunch of transfer credit that will go towards his BFA degree in Graphic Design from Utah State. Even though I know that it bothers him that he still isn't finished with school, I am VERY proud of his progress. He probably would have been finished with school a long time ago if he hadn't cut his own school schedule back to let me go full-time to finish up my schooling first. He supported me (both mentally and financially) through my PTA program and I never would have been able to get through it without him. I know he is going to do AWESOME at Utah State and I am looking forward to loving and supporting him every step of the way!


Anonymous said...

Travis, you are awesome!!! Dad and I are sooooo proud of you!
we know you will do really well in Logan.
Love ya tons,
Mom A

V.I.C.K.I. said...

School is out for the summer! ConGRADulations. Enjoy your time in Iowa! (Iowa is not just pig farms, you know.)