Thursday, August 7, 2008

Dog Attack!

The weather tonight was beautiful so we decided to take our dogs to the park to run out some of their energy. Everything was fine and dandy until another guy showed up with his dog. Usually our dogs are very friendly and play well with other dogs. This dog was especially hyper and much larger then our dogs (we think it was a lab/chow mix) and she was freaking out because she wanted to come play and the owner wouldn't let her off of the leash. We told the owner it was okay to let his dog come play if she was friendly. He assured us that she was and as soon as she was let off of the leash she bounded towards our two dogs. The three of them then did what dogs always do, sniffing each other out. After a second though, and quicker than lightening this huge dog had poor Roxy pinned on her back and was biting into her neck! We had never heard Roxy yelp the way she was yelping and in order to get this dog to let go of Roxy Travis actually had to full on kick it in the side! Once Roxy was free, Noobie decided that she was going to be protective and fight the dog for Roxy..luckily we put a stop to that before she too ended up on her back! Supposedly, the owner was stunned and said that this was a first time for his dog showing any kind of aggression...but this first act of aggression took a quarter size chunk out of Roxy's neck! I'd say that guy should sign his dog up for some aggression management classes! Needless to say the trip to the park was cut short.. when we got home it took both of us holding her still in order to get the wound rinsed out well. It had to have hurt so bad, but after it was rinsed out she sat still and let us put on some antibiotic ointment and appropriate bandaging...Dang! We are going to be awesome parents someday :)


Heidi said...

Poor Roxy! That's sad seeing her all bandaged up. Hope the wound heals quickly. Maybe the other dog was jealous of Roxy and Noobie's awesome parents so it attacked.

Barb said...

Poor baby. (Insert sad face here.) Emma wants to see Roxy and give her a big kiss. I couldn't imagine anything like that happening to our dog, Pepper. We've had him FOREVER--since he was 6 weeks old and he is now 14 and 1/2! Give Roxy a special hug from all of us and Noobie as well.