Thursday, February 3, 2011

It Will Change Your Life

Despite my parent's best efforts during my childhood I have kept an awful habit most of my life...I bite my nails.  They tried so many things to get me to stop....bribery, anti-nail biting polish such as THIS, bribery, stories of all the gross germs that are under fingernails, and bribery.  On several occasions I stopped biting my nails and became a nail picker instead.  I know, it's gross.

Half of the problem was that on the small chance that I did get my nails to grow some, they were so thin and flimsy that they naturally wouldn't last long.  I have tried vitamins, creams, hardening name it, I've tried it all...or so I thought!

This stuff is AMAZING!!

Now, maybe it has something to do with the fact that I have been taking prenatal vitamins for over a year and a half now...but I kid you not, I could actually feel my nails getting harder and growing under this stuff!  I wouldn't have believed someone if they told me it was going to work, but I have definitely seen results.  A few days ago I actually had to TRIM and FILE my nails because they were getting too long...I am so proud! :)


Heidi said...

Remember how I share this same dirty habit with you!?! Maybe I should invest in some Sally Hansen.

Anonymous said...

Yay Sarah!! We are so proud of you!!! And no bribery!! How about that!! Did we really bribe you that much????? :) I actually went and bought some of your magic polish tonight!! Hopefully mine will get harder so they don't peel and break all the time!

Love you! xoxo Mom

Angela said...

I'm going grocery shopping today and will be picking some up. I've actually been doing ok on my own lately but this could be the finishing touch :). Oh and our parents are such fools. Mine bought the same crap...I just sucked it off and spit it out. They couldn't stop me :)

Scottkids said...

Good to know!!! I love a good polish!