Tuesday, January 25, 2011

9 (and a half) Months

Jackson turned 9 months on the 9th of January.  This month really has gotten away from me.  We kept saying that we would take some good pictures "this weekend" or "tomorrow"....well here we are, January 25th, Jackson is 9.5 months old and I FINALLY got around to it!...

We had our 9 month check-up a couple of weeks ago.  Jackson was very brave during the one shot that he needed this month and we were relieved to find out that his ears were clear (after 3 infections between October and December)  He weighed 18 lbs 5 oz and was 27.25 inches tall...that is 2 lbs heavier and 2 inches taller then he was at his 6 month check-up!  As far as percentiles go, he is still on the smaller end of things, but the doctor said that he is healthy and growing steadily so we have nothing to worry about.

Jackson has been acting like he was going to start crawling since a few weeks before Christmas.  Last Wednesday he took off for real and hasn't stopped since.  He also is starting to pull himself up on toys, furniture, the dogs...really anything that he can get a good grip on.  He loves looking at books by himself as well as being read to.  He has tunnel vision for cords and things that he is not supposed to have.  He is a VERY busy boy and has even had a couple of bumps and bruises already to prove it!

We are so lucky that he continues to be a good sleeper.  He takes 2 naps during the day and sleeps 10-12 hours at night.  Still no teeth, but he has been acting like he is going to get one off and on for 2 months now!  He has just about gotten the hang of his sippy cup, and so far he isn't a picky eater.  However, within the last month he has decided that he needs to be involved in the feeding process so we have to give him finger foods to keep his hands busy so that he will let us get a couple of bites into his cute little mouth!

It is amazing to me how fast he is changing and growing!  It seems like he learns to do something new every single day.  He really is a smart little guy and has such a fun personality.  His giggle is contagious and his smile warms my heart... I just can't get enough of our little man!


Atwood said...

I can't believe how fast he is growing!! I can' wait to see him crawling! Miss you guys! XOXOXO, Mom A.

Anonymous said...

Jackson is such a precious little guy. I love him (and you guys) very much. Sure wish we lived closer together!