Thursday, March 3, 2011

Since I Last Posted

Another month has come and gone! February always feels so short to me.  Isn't it strange that 2-3 days makes such a big difference? 

The weekend that we spent with Travis' family, we all went to the Kamas Pool This was Jackson's first experience with swimming (besides his bath time adventures) and he LOVED it!  He had no fear, and he about gave me a heart attack on more than one occasion when he took a nose dive into the water!

First swimming out Michael Phelps!
 Jackson is still on the move and getting faster all the time.  His latest thing is to start heading for something he isn't supposed to have (the dog's food, plants, remote control, etc), except it's not a "bee line "head for the's more of start in the direction of the object, stop and look back to see if we are watching him, get our attention if he doesn't already have it to make sure we know he is on his way to being naughty, and THEN make a dash for whatever it may be.  It is pretty hilarious!

He is now pulling up on anything he can get his hands on, cruising along furniture, walking behind toys, and crawling up the stairs (we are still teaching him the going down part).  A few weeks ago he was playing on his jungle gym (i.e. the bar stool) and got high-centered on his belly and went face first into the floor.  Of course, for me watching him it all happened in slow motion and I couldn't get to him soon enough to catch him.  Well, he landed literally on his face and just sat there for a second not moving, not crying, nothing.  Once I got to him and picked him up THEN he started to cry, but not because he was hurt, because I had interrupted his game!  Heaven forbid if I make sure he's okay!

Playing in the "jungle gym"
Since my last update, he FINALLY cut his bottom two teeth!  He had a bought of the stomach flu about a week ago and it was very sad.  He wouldn't eat or drink anything, and what he did eat or drink, he puked right back up.  All he wanted was to cuddle...which was the only nice part since when he is healthy he won't sit still for more than two seconds.  The flu went away, but he was still acting irritable and not sleeping well, so I was convinced it must be another ear infection.  We took him to the doctor and found out that it wasn't his was his teeth....again...but this time instead of two on bottom there are FOUR on top that are red and swollen and working their way down!  Needless to say, we aren't getting much sleep around our house lately.

Jackson LOVES the vacuum cleaner, you would think it would scare him, but he chases it!
As for Travis and I, it's pretty much the daily/weekly grind of work and school.  The light at the end of the school tunnel is getting brighter and brighter for Travis and he (and I) can't wait to move on to the next (schooless) chapter of our lives!  It is going to be a big change since for the entire 8+ years that we have known each other one or both of us has always been in school.  I am sure that we will have no problem filling our time! 

At the beginning of February we both started doing the Insanity Program....and it may be cliche, but they are truly insane workouts! Each workout is approximately 40 minutes long and you do one 6 days a week.  It is a 60-day program, so we are about half way through and I can already tell a difference which is encouraging!  It feels really good to be getting back into shape again!  I can't wait for spring to get here so that I can get out and start running again.

This weekend we decided to get out of town for a few days so we are heading to St George to enjoy the spring like 65-70 degree weather that is predicted for the next few days!  I will be sure to take lots of pictures and post again when we get home :)


Angela said...

He loves the vacuum like Travis does:)

V.I.C.K.I. said...

Nice vacuum!