Saturday, April 4, 2009

So Proud!

On Wednesday we received a letter from Utah State University (where Trav will start school in the fall.) The letter was from the admissions office so I wasn't expecting anything spectacular...but what we found out was indeed fantastic news! Because of Travis' hard work so far to maintain a high GPA, they have awarded him a transfer student SCHOLARSHIP! The money that they are awarding him will be applied towards his tuition expenses and will be given in installments over 4 consecutive semesters-the equivalent of 2 years (excluding summer term.) The money that he was awarded will pay for about HALF of the tuition cost! His original plan was to complete the school that he had remaining in 2 years time so this would equal the remainder of his school experience... YAY!!! This was such great news to us since we have been talking lately about how we will be able to pull off paying for tuition at the University as well as we did at the community college without having to take out student loans...up until this point we have been very fortunate to be able to pay for school out-of-pocket. I am sooooo proud of my husband! He works so hard to get good grades and it is so nice to have him receive this scholarship to make him feel like all that hard work has paid off! GREAT WORK SWEETHEART!!

On another note, my brother Matthew got great news this week too. Over the last couple of months (or at least it seems like it has been going on for that long) he has been searching for a job for after he graduates from school in May this year. He will have his degree in Marketing so his options for employment were pretty wide open. He has been going through the interview process with a couple of places, including Enterprise (the car rental company) Yesterday they offered him a position that he accepted!! HOORAY!! When I talked to him he told me he was so excited during the conversation that he was offered the position that he was actually shaking!..Funny thing is I was the same way when my new job was offering me the must be genetic!! :) Matthew will be doing the "manager's training program" and within a year he will be an assistant manager. By the sounds of it, from there the sky is the limit for him for climbing up the corporate ladder! Props to him for actually finishing his bachelors degree in 4 years time...not many people will do that now and I know he has worked super hard! GREAT JOB LITTLE BROTHER!! :)


Anonymous said...

What a nice tribute to your husband and brother! Such a sweet girl! I have 2 wonderful kids and a wonderful kid-in law! Congrats Travis and Matthew! You make me proud! xo :) MOM H.

Brett and Steph Hansen said...

what about me:( hehe I make Deans list!