Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend 2009

This past weekend we had a BLAST with friends and family. It is a tradition with Trav's family that we go to the San Rafael Swell desert (in East Central Utah) over Easter weekend. The past couple of years we have been unable to go because of poor weather so this year we were really excited to do our trip...despite the chance of rain for Saturday.

This year our friends John and Angela came along with us for the festivities. The four of us took off after work on Thursday to go meet up with Travis' family who went down the day before to get us a camping spot out in the middle of nowhere.

Friday we woke up to a delicious breakfast of fresh fruit, french toast, and bacon. Then we were off for the day to hike through Crack Canyon. I LOVE hiking slot canyons! My favorite parts are the scrambling up and down the big rocks and simply enjoying the gorgeous scenery that is so different from what I see every day in Salt Lake City. We had such a blast (make sure to check out the slide show of pictures below) and I was definitely impressed with all of our scrambling abilities (especially Travis' parents'!!) Friday night Travis' dad didn't disappoint at his dutch oven cooking...chicken pot pie and cobbler for dessert! We also played some horse shoes, roasted marshmallows, and told stories over the campfire.

Unfortunately, the weather man knew what he was talking about this time and it was raining on Saturday morning when we woke up. We still had an amazing breakfast of pancakes with homemade buttermilk syrup, scrambled eggs, bacon/sausage, and fresh fruit. (We all decided it was a good thing we didn't eat like that all the time!) Since the remainder of the weekend's weather looked bad, and going into a slot canyon is not an option when there is a chance for rain (due to flash flooding) we decided that we would come home a day early.

After we were all packed up, the skies had cleared off a bit so we decided to do one last hike up to this HUGE cave-type thing called Wild Horse Window. The views, as expected, were incredible. Even though we didn't get to stay as long as we would have liked it was a great weekend and left us all looking forward to next time! Enjoy the slide show!...


Anonymous said...

Looking at the pictures makes me want to go back!! It was sooo much fun! Lets do it again soon.
Love ya tons,
Mom A

V.I.C.K.I. said...

Fab pics- sorry it rained on you. Guess you really don't want to mess with those bugger flash floods.

Anonymous said...

This looks like so much fun. My short legs may not have made it up and down some of those rocks. I could just see me standing there staring at them and shaking my head, thinking,"How am I going to do this"? Sounds like Bryan is an awesome cook. Yummy!! Glad you had a good time! Love the pictures and love you too!!! :) MOM H.

Jeannie said...

That looks like so much fun. I wish we could have come. Glad we didn't on Saturday because of the rain. We will have to plan another fun get together this summer some time.

Bec and Ryan said...

I love your ticker countdown for your trip...I remember you telling me about it like a year ago...I'm happy for you that it's almost here. I remember how beautiful the pics online looked. I hope you have a blast!

Angela said...

Love the pictures- you still need to send me a few of us that we don't have. And yes, I'm glad I came. It was beautiful down there and I really enjoyed the hiking. Thanks for inviting us! John was super happy we got to go camping :-)