Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Quarter of a Century

I remember when I used to think that 25 was old. I can still vividly remember being as young as 2nd grade...and I am still trying to figure out where does the time go??

Yesterday I celebrated my 25th birthday and what a wonderful day it was! I woke up to Trav bringing me my breakfast and birthday presents in bed. (He got up extra early yesterday morning to make my requested meal of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast..great guy, eh!?) After breakfast I relaxed, balanced the checkbook, watched The Price is Right, ran a few errands, went to the mall, went to the gym, then came home and relaxed some more.

For dinner we went to The Cheesecake Factory with some of our best friends John and Angela. The food was good, the dessert was delicious, and all four of us probably ate way to much! I was especially excited when I opened my gift from John and Ang--The latest New Kids on the Block CD!!! YAY! I listened to it all day in my car between all of my patients! :)

Until this year, I had never taken my birthday off of work...I didn't see the point. Now I do and I can't say that I will ever WANT to work on my birthday ever again! Thanks to everyone for all the birthday messages via calls, texts, emails, cards, etc. It was a great day! :)


Anonymous said...

Hey hun! Glad you had such a great birthday. It appears by the picture that either you and Angela ate really fast or Travis and John were doing all the talking and were eating very slowly since your plates are cleared and theirs are half full. :) Our princess is 25! WOW xoxo MOM

Amber said...

Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

princess, i thought i was princess:( I am glad you took the day off! I do it too and it's one day you can take off without any guilt. looking forward to talking to you soon. Love me

V.I.C.K.I. said...

I don't understand why ANYONE would work on their birthday. As for me, I take it off every year and I have a birthday WEEK. Happy 25!

Heidi said...

Lucky - no work! Glad you got to have the day off. And props to Travis for breakfast in bed -- the Atwood tradition continues.

Jeannie said...

Happy Birthday. I think you should take off your birthday every year. I am glad you had a happy birthday.

Scottkids said...

Happy Birthday! Um...a month ago!