As many of you are aware, Travis and I have two dogs. Roxy, is very high strung. She loves to play ALL the time. I am convinced that she dreams about her tennis ball at night. She has a hard time relaxing and when she does decide to settle down, she wants her belly scratched...and then she wants to play fetch as soon as you finish scratching. Roxy is a VERY nimble dog. She can catch a Frisbee or tennis ball thrown at nearly any height or speed in her direction.
Noobie (pronounced "new-be" for those that don't already know) on the other hand is our cuddly, tender-hearted dog. She loves nothing more than to nuzzle up to us (or anyone who is willing to cuddle her back) and curl up and fall asleep. It does not matter to her if she is in the world's most awkward position, as long as she is next to you she is happy. Don't get me wrong, Noobie loves to run and play too, and occasionally she will surprise us and catch a ball out of mid-air. Actually, as of late she has given Roxy a run for her money at the park playing fetch.
Noobie's special talent is finding tennis balls or other toys under the couch or bed and using her long legs to maneuver them out. Just last night she about pulled a lamp off of the end table trying to squeeze herself behind the couch to get a ball. (nevermind that there were already several toys within her reach in the middle of the living room floor, she wanted that particular one!)
This afternoon I was home for lunch and Noobie was following me around with the ball in her mouth. I tossed it up in the air and the ball bounced off of her nose and into the bathroom sink. This was her initial reaction to this situation:
It was HILARIOUS to watch! The whining in the background is Roxy, "cheering" her on, which she will also do when Noobie is fishing a ball out from under the couch. Eventually, Noobie realized that today's situation may be a battle that she couldn't win without an opposable thumb and so she sat down in front of me and started barking. I am sure that what she said was to the effect of "Don't just stand there...DO SOMETHING!" Of course in the end I helped her out, but not before I got video proof and a good laugh! :)