Saturday, June 27, 2009


Friday night I couldn't wait to go see our house. It was especially exciting because my sister-in-law Heidi and her husband, Keith, got to come with me. I found out Thursday when I was there after work, that by end of the day on Friday, everything was going to be painted. I was SO relieved that I liked the color of paint that we had picked out months ago once I saw it up on the wall! I know it's hard to believe that you can pick a bad color of tan...but trust me there are about 1,000,000 shades! The pictures didn't turn out as nicely as they would have if I had taken them with Travis' camera or gone earlier in the day...but they are good enough to get an idea of what things are looking like!


Master Bedroom

Main Level

Main Level again

Guest Bathroom

Next week, they will be starting on the wood and vinyl flooring! Don't worry...I will keep the pictures coming! :)


Keith said...

The house looks great! We can't wait till you move in...and to help you move in!:)

V.I.C.K.I. said...

I really like those stairs and wainscoting. You are going to have a gorgeous abode.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I can't believe your house is almost finished. I can remember when you were just looking at floor plans on the computer. It's going to be awesome!