Saturday, April 30, 2011

Do You Believe in Magic?

Today I was talking with my future sister-in-law Jana on the phone and she told me that if I wanted to know the gender of the next child I would be having someday (no I am NOT pregnant) that she knew how I could find out ahead of time...and even if I didn't want to know, she did, so I should do the test anyway! :-)

Curiosity got the best of me so I did what she said I should do...

Thread a needle, poke the needle through the eraser of a sharpened #2 pencil. Hold the thread so the pencil hangs like a pendulum. Hold the pencil steadily but loosely over your wrist (left or right, doesn't matter). The pencil will start to move. East/West=boy, North/South=girl. Between each child it will move in a circle then move on to the next child in one direction or the other.  Once the pencil comes to a stop on it's own, you will know (or have confirmation in the case of already born children) what your future family will look like.

...Sounds like a load of bologna right?!  Well let's just say that I performed the test SEVERAL times on each wrist and once on each foot (just for giggles), and EVERY time was the same result....boy (Jackson), girl, boy.  SO CRAZY!!  Just for fun I tested Travis too....his results=boy, girl, boy!! 

Who knows if it's real?!...I guess for us time will tell. Jana learned of this test from a teacher in her nursing program (a nurse with 20+ years of experience in OB practice) She told me that she has tested many friends and family members of hers who have children already and so far the pencil has been correct 100% of the time. At any rate, it was definitely worth a couple of minutes time on a lazy Saturday afternoon!

You should give it a try, and if you do, be sure to comment and let me know if it worked!



Angela said...

you must be kidding me. Sounds like you believe this. If I can find a needle, thread and pencil I will do it for you. We'll see if it matches the doctor in the next 30 days and real life in 5 months. Crazy, crazy crazy!

Ultimate Weight Loss said...

Oh my gosh! My high school buds swear by this! I wanna try it too and see what happens with Eric and myself!

V.I.C.K.I. said...

Just so you know, I did this at a party once and it said I would have 5 kids- twin girls and the rest boys. HA! Not.

Scottkids said...

Lol. I have heard this too! I want to try it. I like you, always want to know these things. Even if I don't believe in them necessarily.

Scottkids said...

P.S. Cute family picture!