Thursday, September 23, 2010

Jackson Takes a Trip

At the beginning of this month, Jackson got to do what many adults have never done....he took his first plane ride! As Jackson and I made our way through the SLC airport (Travis couldn't come with us for this trip due to school and work) he was fascinated with all there was to see around him. He just sat in his little stroller and took it all in. Since this WAS his first big trip, I knew that he probably wanted a picture with an official pilot.... we found one! (I love how Jackson is looking at him in this picture!)

Of course we needed a picture of the two of us with the airplane....

...and of Jackson sitting in the empty seat next to me like such a BIG boy!

I was nervous to fly with a baby because I had heard plenty of stories of why babies aren't the greatest travel companions from well meaning friends, coworkers, etc. I am SO PROUD to report that Jackson was an angel on all four of our flights (and the layovers in between). The only time he got a little fussy was going down on our first flight when his ears were popping (at least I am assuming that was the problem since mine were popping too) and even then it was very brief fussing.

We had a VERY busy few days in Iowa and Jackson was a trooper with all the new faces he met and passing from person to person that occurred. Some highlights of our trip included:

Meeting Great-Grandma and Grandpa H. (thanks again for surprising us at the airport!)

Meeting Great-Grandma O. (so glad we could make her smile!)

Meeting 5 week old Max (my BFF Stephanie's darling little guy)

Webcam with Daddy (Jackson was VERY excited to see Travis on webcam. He recognized him right away and I was so glad...I'm pretty sure it made Travis' day! We missed him and he missed us terribly)

Hanging out with Uncle Matthew and Aunt Jana (sorry again about the hair pulling Jana!)

Reading books and cuddling with Grandpa

Bath time and cuddling with Grandma

Thank you SO much to all of the family and friends that came over to meet Jackson while we were home! It was so great to be able to introduce our little guy to everyone! An extra special thank you to my parents for making our trip back so comfortable as always. I know it was a little extra effort getting ready to have a baby in the house again. :) We love our Iowa friends and family and can't wait for our next trip home this winter!

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