Tuesday, October 20, 2009

One Down, Two to Go!

My doctor tells me that only 25% of women have NO morning sickness during their first trimester...well folks, I have somehow managed to be part of the slim statistic! That's right, I officially am into my 2nd trimester! I can't believe how fast time is already going. At this rate April 21st is going to be here before we know it! Here's a picture of me at 14 weeks...my belly may still look small to some, but to me there is QUITE a difference from the flat stomach that I have always been used to:

Some highlights from the first trimester...cravings for food that I haven't wanted in YEARS (i.e. cheeseburgers), feeling hungry all the time, eating more than Travis some of the time (he will tell you MORE than some of the time!), random crying for no particular reason, laughing hysterically at Travis' jokes for minutes at a time, hearing our baby's heartbeat and seeing the first ultrasound, having to pee constantly, bed time being my favorite time of day, and feeling so lucky that I had enough energy to continue with my workouts 3-4 times per week.

So far this pregnancy stuff hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. The toughest part for me has been the weight gain/figure changing aspect of it all. Trust me, I KNOW it's for all the right reasons and I have even come to terms with despite my healthy eating and exercising I WILL gain weight gradually. I guess since I haven't had to worry about sickness I have just had time to worry about that instead.

Today we had my 14 week appointment. Doctor says that everything sounds great. We heard our baby's heartbeat for a second time and I recorded it on my cell phone so that I could listen to it over and over again. It's simply incredible! If you want to hear for yourself click HERE (Hint: The page may take a little time to load and you may need to have Quick Time installed on your computer for it to play for you)


Scottkids said...

You are adorable. I don't see a belly yet, but I know what you mean! Wait until you get pregnant the next time, the bump comes sooner!! Considering there will be a next time He he. I'm glad the pregnancy has been so great!!! You are lucky to have passed the morning sickness!

I tried to hear the heart beat. It wouldn't work for me. Cute idea though.

Karlee Turner said...

Congrats!! That's so exciting! Enjoy the pregnancy...it really goes by so fast!

Heidi said...

Still looking like a skinny minnie to me! Crazy to think you're already in your 2nd trimester. YAY!

Heidi Lowther said...

Wow. its going by so fast!! I was hoping you would post pics soon!!!Can't wait to see you soon!!

Anonymous said...

You are taking after me in your no morning sickness. Something good you inherited from me I guess! :)You look so cute with your little tiny bump. Looking forward to it getting much bumpier! I couldn't here the heartbeat when I clicked on the link either and I had my computer on the highest sound it could be on, but I have it on my cell phone! Lucky me!! Love you! Mom H.

Angela said...

And the side shot pictures begin..you're funny. I heard the heart beat just fine. I would never have know that's what it was w/o you telling me. It made me smile though. I'm glad you're happy about this now.

Anonymous said...

You look so good!!! We can't wait for Dec. 1
Love ya, Mom and Dad A