Monday, February 23, 2009

Update on the Atwood's

A few things have happened since my last post so I just figured that I would summarize it all up in one shot.

1. The Townhouse
We found out on Friday that the foundation has been poured, flat work is currently being completed, and framing should start this week or next week. Hooray!! We are planning to go up to Logan to take some pictures of the progress in a few weeks and already I can't wait!! :)

2. Half-Marathon Training
On Saturday the weather was absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Since it's been too cold outside to run (for me anyway) I have been doing all of my running on the treadmill. I was anxious to get outside and see how I would fair. Not only was I attempting an outdoor run, but i was going for 10 miles first double digiter. I mapped out a route, tied on my shoes, stretched, and I was off. 1 Hr 54 min later I finished it! Woooo Hooo! :) I was a little stiff and sore on Sunday, but I was able to do my running today and felt great aferwards. It was a huge confidence booster for me since I only have to get to 13.1 miles for the race and I have until April 18...I actually realized today when I was reviewing my training timeline that I am a week ahead of schedule. Bonus! :)

3. Tax Time
Travis and I had an appointment with the tax man tonight. This is something that we both have been dreading since we were sure that we were going to owe a bunch of money this year... at least according to my calculations on Turbo Tax. Up until this year I have done our taxes and we have come out in the black...not this year..we were in the red by a long shot! I couldn't figure out what was going on so our friends Brian and Maggie referred us to an AWESOME tax man. We went in, watched him plug in all of our information and a half an hour later he was giving us our results...we did still owe...but SIGNIFICANTLY less than what we were expecting! NEVER again will I do my own taxes! I am sure that the tax guy probably has never seen 2 people so excited about the amount of money they were going to have to pay the government :)

Other exciting news in the last little while....
Roxy got her hair cut, Travis got an Xbox, I am almost finished reading the Twilight series, and we are going on a long overdue grocery shopping trip tomorrow. Other than that it is life as usual in the Atwood, school (for Trav), sleep, repeat. I will be sure to let everyone know when something else exciting (or not) happens! :)


Anonymous said...

sarah, congrats on running ten miles, thats awesome!!!! Thanks for the update on the house, things will really start to move along now. Can't wait to see it!
Talk to you soon,
love mom A

V.I.C.K.I. said...

I for one am happy for you finishing Twilight and getting new appliances. The X-Box...well, I am an X-Box widow so I am only so-so happy for you on that.

Jeannie said...

So proud you ran the 10 miles. That's so impressive. I am excited for your house. It will be fun to see the step by step photos of the house progress.

Twighlight series is so good. I hadn't read that much in years. I loved them.

Anonymous said...

An X-Box Travis?? You lucky guy! Have fun with it. Now we know what you will be doing when Sarah is out running 10 miles...haha. xo
Mom and Dad H.

Angela said...

Your new picture is cute- didn't notice it last night. Is that from the model shoot? And everything else I already knew about..right down to the grocery trip. Wow. We talk way too much.

Natalie said...

We left Turbo Tax a few years ago too.
First, we went to H&R block. HUGE, expensive mistake, but at least better than Turbo Tax.
Now we have a great accountant who charges half of what H&R Block does and she knows what she is doing!
A good accountant makes all the difference.
Hang in there. Once you buy your house, you'll be sitting pretty.
Clay and I owed $5,000 the year before we bought our house. Granted some of that was because we cashed in stock for our down payment, but it was still hard to pay.