Friday, January 9, 2009

Yay it's finished!...Suggestions anyone?

Yesterday I took a test that has been two years coming...The National Physical Therapist Assistant Exam. I am not usually a procrastinator and since Utah doesn't require PTA's to take this exam yet there has been nothing lighting the fire under my butt. When I graduated in December 2006 my original plan was to take it within 6 months...then that turned into within another 6 months...and then I found myself with a new goal of before the end of 2008. I sent in the application at the end of October thinking that would be plenty of time to make my new goal. Turns out that the whole process took longer than expected so I missed the 2008 deadline, but accomplished my goal just one week later. The test was long and as intense as I had imagined that it would be...but it is DONE!! I felt good about it, and hopefully I passed..but I won't get my results for a couple of weeks. Regardless it is out of my control now and so my new focus are some goals that I want to tackle with my new found spare time...

1. Read more for fun...anything that's not about Physical Therapy
2. Get all of our digital photos organized onto CD's
3. Watch lots of HGTV to get ideas for our new home
4. Decide what I will go back to school for someday
5. Start a new "indoor" hobby of some kind

I am open for suggestions of good books of any length or genre. I went to the library today and checked out The Great Gatsby. I read it in high school and have wanted to read it again for awhile now. Also, if anyone has any idea for an indoor hobby I would love to hear it. I am not worried about keeping busy. I know that I will find plenty of things to do to fill my spare time, I am just grateful to finally have it! :)


Anonymous said...

I have heard that knitting can be very rewarding or Travis could buy you a scroll saw and you can be just like grandpa Haskin or you could start doing puzzles like Grandma or you could start tying flies for fly fishing and sale them or you could pour some for me and make little jigs for me for fishing. Love You! I will keep my thinking cap on, I am sure I can come with some other ideas! Dad

Scottkids said...

Hey! I read lots of good books this year. Let me know when you are done with this one, and I'll give you a few options!

As an indoor hobby, you can always take in scrapbooking,wood crafts,modge podge frames, etc. All of the "Mormom Crafts"

Jeannie said...

Congrats for accomplishing your goals. I am impressed. I have missed your blogs but the candy looked so yummy.

Indoor hobbies. I love to cook. So add some Food Network watching to your list and try out some gourmet cooking. Also decorating is fun. You could sew up some curtains or paint something.

Enjoy you free time.

V.I.C.K.I. said...

Indoor hobby, that is great. You can definitely kill some time with that picture-organizing thing. I am on I will send you an invite. It's sort of nerdy.